Laurus Alternatives
Search Process
We understand that finding good people is only part of the solution.
Our ability to advise clients how to attract them and how to “close” is a vital part of the process.
We don’t rest until the candidate is onboard.
Understanding Your Requirements
Successful search solutions are based on a thorough understanding of the job specification and mutual agreement of the most appropriate search methodology. We work closely with senior management to ensure in-depth understanding of client expectations, culture and strategy.
Identification & Screening
We identify all candidates relevant to the job specification and role within a pre-determined search universe. Laurus Alternatives pre-screens, tests, interviews and evaluates a preliminary selection of candidates for a short list presentation.
Interview & Closing
Our team will manage the shortlisted candidates through the interview process and provide detailed feedback to address and resolve areas of concern.
Closing starts at the beginning of the process and does not conclude until the successful candidate commences their new appointment. We believe our high rate of success reflects our considerable experience in offer negotiation and managing the candidate and resignation process.
Laurus Alternatives – Practice areas
30 years of hands-on
Search experience
With over 20 years of experience within the Alternatives and over 30 years of hands-on Search experience across Asia, Laurus Alternatives offers unrivalled expertise, access to candidates and market intelligence within the Alternatives space